Friday, March 16, 2007

Tips for effective email

Here are some hints for making your electronic communications more powerful, unique and effective.

Offer information to identify yourself.

a. Your full name
b. Your credentials
c. Your company and city/state/province
d. Your phone number and contact info

Include a hyperlink to your Web site.

Include a hyperlink to your e-mail address.

Include a hyperlink to your Blog.

Follow good grammatical guidelines.

Setup an automated signature line.

Hereis what mine looks like:

Heidi Franklin
RE/MAX Partners
"Your Real Estate Consultant For Life!"
Cell: (909) 772-8842 Office: (951) 278-8755 Ext. 171
Designations: CRS, SRES, E-Pro, Luxury Home Specialist

Avoid using inflammatory language or slang.

Use capital and lower case words correctly.

Don't forward send lists.

Use emoticons to convey specific meanings in your message.

The Good Old Days