Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Thanks to Lynda

I just wanted to acknowledge Lynda for her follow up to our Mastermind meeting. Your double checking with Instant Access and posting these results is appreciated.

I also want to confirm the importance of "Time Off" as noted by Gregg in his earlier post. I have also experienced a benefit to my business by taking time off. It seems I always come back to new business as well as my own renewed ability to create new business. Good point Gregg!


LyndaEisenmann said...

Hey Laura,
Thanks for the kind words, they are very much appreciated. As much as anything, I just wanted to double check the issue, and when it was obvious I was WRONG, it was important that others knew it. It wouldn't be fair to someone looking for a new site, NOT to use AA because of my mis-information!

Thanks again!

Gregg Franklin said...
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Gregg Franklin said...

Thanks Laura for the post and the koodos!

Laura Weber said...

It takes nerve to take a stand or make a statement. It takes responsibility to correct the mistake. We all appreciate good follow up.